Thursday, 24 November 2011

Another set of brakes slowly on its way.....

The first brake arm of a new set. This is the same design as the previous set but with the CNC program tweaked a bit.

 The brake arm will be cut from the block with a bandsaw, deburred and cleaned up. The slot for the brake pad still has to be machined, along with a few other operations.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Quick Release Skewers - Complete :)

The quick release skewers are now finished and in use. The final lever profile changed quite a bit from the original. The final profile is much more hand friendly. These will go for black anodising the next time I get some done.

 The final nut profile also changed, the nut is a bit bigger and the profile was machined with a ball nose cutter to give a rounded profile at the bottom of the grip area.